Access to a clean water source was not yet a matter of course for many people in this village. As a rule, fetching water is women’s and children’s work. They have to travel long distances to get water. With a solar well in the western part of the village of Boutourou  will help about 50 households  and improve the daily suffering for water.

The lack of clean water and hygiene in general is a deadly danger especially for children under the age of five, especially in a country like Cameroon where child mortality is still relatively high. Moreover, the well will not only provide clean drinking water, but will also relieve the children in their work and, above all, prevent diseases.

Therefore, it is important to act quickly to help the populations of these two areas. This can only be done in cooperation and with every contribution.

Access to clean drinking water in Boutourou is a major challenge for the people in the area. The villagers live mainly from agriculture, cattle breeding and fishing. There is no electricity and no running water.
They, together with children, then have to walk for kilometres to fetch water. This water is sometimes contaminated with faeces, which poses an acute threat to health.

The association Bunong e.V. in cooperation with Bunong Cameroun, the local population and sponsors want to improve these conditions and ensure a sustainable supply of clean drinking water by installing a solar-powered pumping well in the village of Boutourou. On 05.03.2023 the construction of the borehole began.

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